In the last few decade’s organizations are investing more resources in the creation and expansion of their Human Resources departments in order to develop and implement the most effective practices in the creation of a happy workplace. That has to do not only to the direct effects of happy workers be more productive, but it also has to do whit the creation of an image of an organization that cares about its people. Employees are more loyal and productive when they are satisfied and these satisfied employees affect customer satisfaction and organization.
One of the main aspects of Human Resources Management is the measurement of employee satisfaction. Companies make sure that employee satisfaction is high among the workers which is a precondition for increasing productivity and responsiveness. To keep these employees motivated and satisfied it is imperative to reward them for their service whit compensation.

1. Show employees they are supported
Interaction between leadership and employees is key to building upon the lessons learned in training and coaching sessions. Feedback and praise are critical to employees feeling they are making a difference. Good managers who create a healthy caring and supportive work environment will help cultivate the business future leaders who in turn will manage the overall customer experience.
2. Offer meaningful employee development
Employees want to feel there is an opportunity for advancement within the organization they work for. If they feel they have a solid career path ahead of them, they will be more inclined to provide great service to customers knowing it will also benefit their long-term goals.
3. Make training part of the culture
This goes back to the employee and career development.
Employees want to gain new skills that will make them more successful in their current positions and potentially lead to advancement. Provide ongoing training and coaching that teaches employees new skills, because these skills will ultimately shine through in customer interactions.
Employee job satisfaction can be described as an attitude that employees have about their organization and job. Methodologically, it can be said that job satisfaction is an employee’s emotional response which can be compared between actual outcomes and desired outcomes.
“Happy employees are productive employees”
4. Talent Management
Today many successful organizations are taking a closer look at how to identify, measure and develop employees as a part of Talent Management.
Talent Management improves employee experience that has a direct impact on client satisfaction, it prepares them to achieve the business strategic goals.
Companies must continually invest in their employees, in other words, Talent Management matters because engaged employees are more productive employees, and organizations that invest in employee experience environments and technology, are four-time more profitable than organizations that don’t. Talent Management works to keep current employees and advance them to higher positions in the organizations. Therefore, Talent Management needs to be given great effort in every organization in order to optimize employee’s performance. Talent Management helps employees feel engaged, skilled, and motivated allowing them to work in the direction of company goals, which increases client satisfaction.
Talent Management has become a mainstream people management strategy because of its ability to help organizations more effectively acquire, develop, align and retain their high-performing and potential talent.
Renata Vasilevska
Mihail Kitanovski